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A young woman who emits thigh cellulite..jpg

Remodeling massage - reduce cellulite / Only for women

Therapist : Séverine

To regain a more toned skin and feel comfortable in your swimsuit, remodeling massage is perfect.


Knead, stretch, smooth, pat the skin ... There is nothing more effective to get rid of annoying cellulite. Moreover, the targeted palpate-roll is the ultimate weapon against cellulite.


My approach ? Combine anti-cellulite techniques and lymphatic drainage maneuvers. Because it must be said, very often there is a bad venous and lymphatic return.


It is really the combination of anti-cellulite and draining maneuvers that make this massage effective.



The left leg on the picture has not yet received a remodeling massage, however,
the right leg has received the massage we offer at "Health Balance Therapy center" in Gstaad.

The skin is already smoother, the knee and thigh are free of excess water,
less visible fat,
and that in only 1 massage !

avant et apres massage anti cellulite gstaad.jpg

Why is remodeling massage effective ?

The hand adapts to the contours of the body and allows for a deep penetration of the tissues, dermis and hypodermis, even in areas with a bony relief such as the waist or hip.


The massage acts on the fibroblast (the skin cell responsible for firmness), and will produce 15% to 30% more collagen. Interesting when we know this production decreases with age, and that the stiffening of collagen fibers is responsible for the worsening of the orange peel appearance, and sagging.

Another target during this remodeling massage to reduce cellulite ? The lymphatic system.

The palpate-roll combined with draining maneuvers improves the appearance of the skin by releasing the water trapped between the fat cells. This results in a loss of centimeters that can be impressive, since these techniques also promote lipolysis, in other words the removal of fat cells.


And that's not all. During the massage, endorphins, or well-being hormones, are released, which contributes to physical and psychological relaxation. The lifting of muscular tension and the release of heat caused by the friction of the hands on the skin contribute to the feeling of well-being. And in this sense, we end the anti-cellulite treatment with a back massage.


What are the conditions for it to work 

Regularity : there is no need to start with two massages, stop, then start again the following month. The ideal ? One session per week for a minimum of 3 weeks, depending on your type and stage of cellulite. 


The entire silhouette strategy does not rely solely on massage. Since the results are quick, most women don't want to waste it, so they pay attention to what they eat, they want to move more and not miss their gym session. 


Muscle strengthening exercises are also important, the more you solicit the deep muscles, the better the venous return, and the less cellulite you will have. 


How does a session go ?
During the first appointment, I ask you about your health (it is important to verify that there are no contraindications to the massage), and look at your skin to identify any vascular fragility and determine the type and stage of your cellulite (see the video below). The massage is performed using a neutral cream to better achieve certain maneuvers. The anti-cellulite treatment massages the entire body (legs, stomach, arms, back). Of course, we adapt the anti-cellulite massage according to your needs. For stage 1 and 2 cellulite, the treatment lasts 1h15. For stage 3 cellulite : on demand.


What results can we see ?
After three to ten sessions, there is a clear improvement in the appearance of orange peel skin, more or less significant depending on the type of cellulite and the area treated.


The skin is unclogged, smoother, and gains in radiance thanks to the sliding pressures that provoke a blood flow in the massaged area. Afterwards, it is necessary to maintain, at a rate of one session per month. For the most motivated, you should follow at least one weekly session of Aquagym or Aquabiking, and 2 sessions of 15 minutes per week of muscle strengthening.


Does it hurt ?
Some areas are more sensitive than others, especially when there is fibrosis. Palpating and rolling maneuvers are rarely comfortable, but they should always be bearable. The pain causes reflex contractures of the muscles, a defense of the body to avoid tissue damage. Massage can also cause bruising. It is up to you to tell me when it hurts so that I can adapt the power of my maneuvers.


Are there any contraindications to remodeling massage to reduce cellulite ?

- Acute infection  

- Fever

- Tuberculosis (Koch bacillus - lymphotropic)  

- Thrombosis (generally wait 6 weeks with the doctor's approval)

- Cardiac edema  

- Heart failure (uncompensated)  

- Decompensated heart failure  

- Renal failure (uncompensated)  

- Organ transplant  


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